Meet the team

Here you can find the experts behind our organisation –and all the information on how to contact them directly.

Experienced staff with an unrivalled level of training.

We have an active apprenticeship and trainee recruitment policy including on the job training, and studying for CII qualifications and NVQ Certificates. Most client facing staff have successfully obtained their Chartered Insurance Institute Certificate in Insurance qualification as a minimum standard, with several now continuing their studies towards achieving the Diploma and Advanced Diploma levels. 

Group Executive Board

James Woollam

Managing Director

Ben Leah ACII

Director | Chartered Insurance Broker

Maxine Tearle Cert CII

Operations Director

Helen Carpenter MCIM

Marketing Director | Chartered Marketer

Darren Harris ACII

Marine Director & Head of Admiral Marine | Chartered Insurance Broker

Richard Moxon Cert CII

Private Client Director

Ryan Legge FCII

Commercial Director | Chartered Insurance Broker

Gary Horswell ACII

Managing Director of Ntegrity Insurance Solutions

Management Team

Guy Adams

Associate Director | Claims Manager

Jordan Cooper Cert CII

Schemes Underwriting Manager

Sarah Upton ACII

Account Handler Team Leader | Chartered Insurance Broker

Jennie Wall

Compliance and Training Manager

Anna Wilson

Financial Controller

Broking and Support Team

Adrian Anderson Cert CII

Account Handler

Emma Butcher ACII

Account Executive | Chartered Insurance Broker

Renée Butler Cert CII

Account Handler

Maya Byrne

Schemes Administrator

Adam Candy Cert CII

Account Handler

Bethany 011

Bethany Davies

PA to the Directors

Louise Evans Dip CII

Account Handler

Tracey Evans

Schemes Administrator

Marcus Goodbody

Marketing Executive

Sean Griffin Cert CII

Account Handler

Kelly Hemmings Cert CII

Account Handler

Sam Howard Cert CII

Account Handler

Katerina Kallias Cert CII

Account Handler

Sam King Cert CII

Account Handler

Chris Luckett Cert CII

Account Executive

Callum Macduff

Claims Handler

Ethan Maule Dip CII

Account Handler

Nilufar Mavlonova

Accounts Administrator

Paul McGhee Cert CII

Claims Handler

Adam Mitchell Cert CII

Account Executive

Kate Murdoch

Marketing Assistant

0117 930 1677

[email protected]

Michelle Nash Dip CII

Account Handler

Emma Parnell ACII

Account Handler | Chartered Insurance Broker

Louis Racey

Account Handler

Jake Robertson Cert CII

Account Executive

Hannah Saunders Cert CII

Account Handler

Tara Stone Cert CII

Account Executive

Jah Thiamkhokkuat Cert CII

Account Handler

Laura Walton ACII

Account Executive | Chartered Insurance Broker


We're always on the lookout for insurance professionals who match our ambition, drive and determination to be the best at what we do.

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Claims support

Claims advice that you can trust.

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